Humanizing B2B/Enterprise software.

Let's Work Together

About Me

I’m a product designer with 4 years of experience crafting intuitive solutions for product analytics tools. In my last position I was a product designer at Heap Analytics where I was part of the Insights team which focuses on the data visualization and analysis areas of the platform. Before that, I led the end-to-end design of data visualization and analysis features for Auryc's analytics suite.

When I am not designing I love creating art. Last year my brother and I were invited to paint a mural in Downtown San Jose through art organization SJ Walls. I also love to cook. My partners family is from India, so recently I’ve been trying to get more familiar cooking Indian dishes.

My Philosophy

Continuous Product Improvement

I embrace the never ending product audit. There is always room for improvement. I strive to deliver the highest-quality digital experiences through constant:

  • Questioning of assumptions
  • Research
  • Experimentation
  • Iteration
  • Testing

Communication & Collaboration

It’s important to create a team environment where everyone is comfortable sharing ideas, feedback or asking questions.

Through diverse perspectives we can tap into our collective intelligence and empower ourselves to arrive at more creative and innovative solutions, leading to higher quality products and experiences.


Proactively sharing progress updates, design decisions, and embracing feedback and ideas has helped me establish a strong foundation of trust and improve alignment within the teams I've collaborated with in the past.

What sets me apart?

Solving for Complexity

Crafting solutions for analytics suites like Heap and Auryc, sharpened my skills to tackle challenges inherent in complex systems.

  • Steep learning curve for new users.
  • Views can become difficult to digest.
  • Capabilities can go unnoticed by customers due to complexity.
  • Customers finding it difficult to easily transition from analysis to actionable insights.
  • Fast growth can bring along UX debt that needs to be constantly addressed.

I bring experience facing these types of challenges and look forward into applying my knowledge to solve the pain points your customers face today.

Bridging the Gap

Having a basic understanding of HTML/CSS (currently taking a JavaScript course with the goal of learning React) has allowed me to communicate with developers in their language, make sure designs are up to spec through QA, and overall make collaboration more effective.

With React my goal is to help accelerate development and enable faster iteration on design ideas by participating in the development phase .

Visual Design

With a B.A. in Visual Studies and a background in art, I bring a high level of visual design and attention to detail.

These skills have enabled me to collaborate with marketing and sales teams, create designs that drive consistency and push the company's brand aesthetic forward.

What My Colleagues Say

"Edgar has the perfect blend of a can-do attitude and creative ingenuity to solve the hardest UX problems with the end user in mind. Edgar has designed features that have been used and appreciated by thousands of users of our enterprise SaaS suite.

He also is willing to go above and beyond in getting the job done and consistently meeting or beating deadlines. His can-do attitude and willingness to help has earned him a lot of trust and respect from peers and management alike. I would hire Edgar in a heartbeat and wholeheartedly recommend him for an UX Design position."

Amod Setlur

VP of Operations at Heap

(Co-Founder and VP of Product at Auryc)

“I worked with Edgar for a couple of years and was very much impressed by his growth. Started as a visual designer, he has now also become a very skilled product designer.

To design some of the most complicated user flows in our SaaS portal, he conducted effective user researches, implemented their feedback to the artifacts, worked with DEV team closely to implement the design, and tested the product to make sure the feature worked as expected.

He is also a very positive, reliable, and trustful person. Highly recommended if you are looking to hire great people and a capable designer.”

Feng Shao

VP of Engineering at Heap

(Co-Founder and VP of Engineering at Auryc)

“When I come across ICs like Edgar, I know my job will not only be easy, but much more rich and engaging.

Edgar brought his keen artistry, insane drive and commitment, and openness to new challenges to an incredibly high-performing team (and company). He jumped right into our complex product and domain space and faced ambiguous design problems head-on. He impressed us all with grit and tenacity.”

Monique Escamilla

Director of Research at Heap

“Edgar is an incredibly genuine person, and a talented designer! We worked together in the "insights" product area at Heap, which is a product analytics tool...I was routinely impressed by how proactive and exploratory he was in his designs.

He continuously pushes himself to make his work better...After working with Edgar, I can confidently say he's a great designer, and more importantly, a collaborative, low-ego colleague.”

Will Guldin

Senior Product Designer at Heap

"I worked with Edgar at Auryc and later on at Heap. We worked on design problems big and small and you could always count on him to dive right into the problem to make sure we had all the information we needed to solve the right problems with our design.

He also demonstrated an ability to lead projects which he always did with an unmatched work ethic and a level head. His graphic design skills also made sure his designs were visually exceptional. His eagerness to learn and his willingness to go above and beyond will make him a linch pin to any team he joins!"

Kris DelaCruz

Product Designer at Heap

“I had the absolute pleasure of building several product features with Edgar over the past 3 years... Not only did Edgar show initiative in building a customer centric UI/UX architecture from scratch, but he also played a huge role in pushing our product forward from a design perspective setting up the style guides and design philosophy.

Edgar's attention to detail and taking a customer centric approach to solve and optimize design problems...made a huge impact. All in all, Edgar is a rock star and any organization would be lucky to have him!”

Venkata Jay Chidiri

Senior Product Manager at Heap